Sunday, 22 April 2018

Thursday 19th April


Photo 1: Mrs. Cristina Martín Vega, the editor of Diario de Ibiza, showing students from the CITIES-project how editing is done.

On the last working day of the three year long CITIES project, dissemination was the main task. The students had produced leaflets, brochures, films and articles to present their reflections on the impact the CITIES project has had on students, teachers, schools and local communities over the years. Generously, the director of the main newspaper on Ibiza, Diario de Ibiza, received students and teachers in their modern localities. The students got a lecture on the programs and processes of editing the newspaper by the editor Mrs. Cristina Martín Vega, who is also hosting one of the visiting students this week. One of the student groups has written an article on the CITIES project throughout the week that will be published in the paper soon. One of the newspaper’s journalists used the opportunity to interview a couple of the students, and immediately published it on the newspaper’s Instagram account and webpage:

Photo 2: A journalist from Diario de Ibiza interviewing one of the students about the impact of the CITIES project.

As the final step in the dissemination process, the students and teachers were divided into groups and went to different places to spread the knowledge on the project. One group went to the Townhall and presented the CITIES project and the fruits of the project to the mayor of Saint Josep.

Photo 3: Mayor Josép Marí and his staff gave the students a warm welcome before he listened to their presentation.

The other groups presented their work at schools in the area. One of the aims was to inspire young people to take part in international projects in the future by promoting the positive outcomes of transnational projects. As many of the students underlined in their presentations, the most important for them is how it has affected them personally by rising awareness of the value of cultural cooperation and knowledge. They have made new friends and increased their cultural competency by living in host families and working together in groups with students from different countries. The students also stressed the skills they had acquired through working on the project tasks, like ICT skills, improved language skills and cultural understanding.

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