Tuesday, 8 December 2015


CITIES (Cities In Transition Investigated by European Students), is a European project dealing with the realization of tasks about the evolution of the cities in different countries around Europe. Students will do some presentations about the tasks at the other schools that are also working in the project. The countries and the schools involved in the project are:
   -Germany (Gymnasium Aspel der Stadt Rees).
  - Poland  (Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace, Poznan).
  -Norway  (Nesodden Videregaende Skole).
  -Netherlands  (Meerwegen Scholengroep Farel College).
  -Spain  (IES Algarb).

In our school ( IES Algarb) , 24 students are working together to get an opportunity to travel and visit the other European schools and show their projects. The first meeting will be held in Germany from 14th to 20th February 2016, in which 6 of our students will be travelling to Germany.

We have done interviews to the students , to know which of them are more prepared. Here below you can see photos of different students being interviewed by us, the teachers.

Monday, 7 December 2015


 Every week the 24 students and the teachers involved in the project, meet up at the library of the school, to work on the tasks. Since the project has been carried out we have:
 -Prepare presentations comparing our nowadays living conditions with the conditions our parents and grandparents used o have.
 - Propose the perfect logo for the project.
 - Describe our city from the past including two time periods: ancient age and modern age .

There are some photos of our meetings, that show how people are working together and sharing ideas. There is also an example of a logo proposed by one of the students.